Class ScanRemediation

All Implemented Interfaces:
NessusResponse.ResponseChild<ScanRemediation,​ScanResponse>, ScanResponse.ScanResponseChild<ScanRemediation>, DbPojo, MapLookupPojo<ScanRemediation>

public class ScanRemediation
extends java.lang.Object
implements MapLookupPojo<ScanRemediation>, ScanResponse.ScanResponseChild<ScanRemediation>
Represents an object from the remediations array returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static MapLookupDao<ScanRemediation> dao
    The dao for ScanRemediation
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> _getSearchMap()
    Return a map to be used by the POJO type's dao, to find the database record matching the same record that this pojo represents
    boolean _match​(ScanRemediation o)
    Determine if this pojo represents the same DB record as another POJO of the same type.
    void _prepare()
    Perform any operations necessary to prepare this pojo for insertion or updating in the database
    void _set​(ScanRemediation o)
    Set the values in this POJO to be identical to another POJO representing the same DB record
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
    RemediationDetails getDetails()
    Gets details.
    java.lang.Integer getHosts()
    Gets hosts.
    int getId()
    Get the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
    ScanResponse getResponse()
    Gets parent response.
    java.lang.Integer getVulns()
    Gets vulns.
    int hashCode()
    Because this entity cannot have any extraJson (it will all be contained in the RemediationDetails object lookup entity) it must implement hashCode and equals on its own, so its works properly in a HashMap or HashSet.
    void setDetails​(RemediationDetails details)
    Sets details.
    void setHosts​(java.lang.Integer hosts)
    Sets hosts.
    void setId​(int id)
    Set the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
    void setResponse​(ScanResponse response)
    Sets parent response.
    void setVulns​(java.lang.Integer vulns)
    Sets vulns.
    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode toJsonNode()
    Convert the pojo into a JsonNode
    java.lang.String toJsonString()
    Convert the pojo into a Json string
    java.lang.String toString()  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • toJsonNode

      public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode toJsonNode()
      Description copied from interface: DbPojo
      Convert the pojo into a JsonNode
      Specified by:
      toJsonNode in interface DbPojo
      a JsonNode representing the serialization of this pojo
    • toJsonString

      public java.lang.String toJsonString()
      Description copied from interface: DbPojo
      Convert the pojo into a Json string
      Specified by:
      toJsonString in interface DbPojo
      a string representing the Json serialization of this pojo
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      toString in class java.lang.Object
    • _prepare

      public void _prepare()
      Description copied from interface: DbPojo
      Perform any operations necessary to prepare this pojo for insertion or updating in the database
      Specified by:
      _prepare in interface DbPojo
    • _match

      public boolean _match​(ScanRemediation o)
      Description copied from interface: MapLookupPojo
      Determine if this pojo represents the same DB record as another POJO of the same type. Note that this is NOT the same as the equals() method (though it may be in certain cases). Equals may be used to determine if two pojos of the same type contain all of the same values, regardless of whether they represent the same DB record (depending on implementation) while _match determines only if they represent the same DB record even if some of the values may not be equivalent. In many cases the two methods may be the same, but their purpose is different.
      Specified by:
      _match in interface MapLookupPojo<ScanRemediation>
      o - the other pojo to match
      true if the two pojos represent the same DB record, false if not
    • _getSearchMap

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> _getSearchMap()
      Description copied from interface: MapLookupPojo
      Return a map to be used by the POJO type's dao, to find the database record matching the same record that this pojo represents
      Specified by:
      _getSearchMap in interface MapLookupPojo<ScanRemediation>
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • _set

      public void _set​(ScanRemediation o)
      Description copied from interface: MapLookupPojo
      Set the values in this POJO to be identical to another POJO representing the same DB record
      Specified by:
      _set in interface MapLookupPojo<ScanRemediation>
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Description copied from interface: DbPojo
      Get the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
      Specified by:
      getId in interface DbPojo
      the id
    • setId

      public void setId​(int id)
      Description copied from interface: DbPojo
      Set the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
      Specified by:
      setId in interface DbPojo
      id - the id
    • getResponse

      public ScanResponse getResponse()
      Description copied from interface: NessusResponse.ResponseChild
      Gets parent response.
      Specified by:
      getResponse in interface NessusResponse.ResponseChild<ScanRemediation,​ScanResponse>
      the response
    • setResponse

      public void setResponse​(ScanResponse response)
      Description copied from interface: NessusResponse.ResponseChild
      Sets parent response.
      Specified by:
      setResponse in interface NessusResponse.ResponseChild<ScanRemediation,​ScanResponse>
      response - the response
    • getDetails

      public RemediationDetails getDetails()
      Gets details.
      the details
    • setDetails

      public void setDetails​(RemediationDetails details)
      Sets details.
      details - the details
    • getHosts

      public java.lang.Integer getHosts()
      Gets hosts.
      the hosts
    • setHosts

      public void setHosts​(java.lang.Integer hosts)
      Sets hosts.
      hosts - the hosts
    • getVulns

      public java.lang.Integer getVulns()
      Gets vulns.
      the vulns
    • setVulns

      public void setVulns​(java.lang.Integer vulns)
      Sets vulns.
      vulns - the vulns
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Because this entity cannot have any extraJson (it will all be contained in the RemediationDetails object lookup entity) it must implement hashCode and equals on its own, so its works properly in a HashMap or HashSet. The strategy used here is to bitwise XOR the id with the hashcode of ScanRemediation.class
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      a hashcode to uniquely identify each ScanRemediation record