Folder |
Represents a folder object returned by the Nessus API in /scans
Scan |
Represents a scan object returned by the Nessus API in /scans
ScanHistory |
Represents an object from the history array returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>
ScanHost |
Represents an object from the hosts array returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>
ScanInfo |
Represents the info object returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>
ScanPlugin |
Represents the scan-specific fields (host_count, and hosts) in the plugin object from the "plugins"
array returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>.
ScanPrioritization |
Represents a prioritization object returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>,
which contains the list of plugins.
ScanRemediation |
Represents an object from the remediations array returned by the Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>
ScanRemediationsSummary |
Represents the scan-specific fields for the remediations object returned by the
Nessus API in /scans/<scan-id>.
SeverityCount |
JSON container for the array of SeverityLevelCounts in a ScanHost