Interface DbPojo

All Known Subinterfaces:
HashLookupPojo<POJO>, MapLookupPojo<POJO>, NessusResponse<RES>, NessusResponse.ResponseChild<POJO,​R>, ScanResponse.ScanResponseChild<POJO>, StringLookupPojo<POJO>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Acl, Cpe, CvssTemporalVector, CvssVector, ExtraJson, Folder, GeneratedIdPojo, HashLookupTemplate, HostFqdn, HostIp, Hostname, HostNetbiosName, HostOutput, HostVulnerabilityOutput, IndexResponse, License, NaturalIdPojo, NessusResponse.MultiChildTemplate, NessusResponse.SingleChildTemplate, NessusResponseGenerateTimestamp, NessusResponseWithTimestamp, OperatingSystem, Plugin, PluginAttributes, PluginDescription, PluginFamily, PluginHost, PluginInformation, PluginName, PluginRefInformation, PluginRefValue, PluginRiskFactor, PluginRiskInformation, PluginScriptCopyright, PluginSeeAlso, PluginSolution, PluginSynopsis, PluginVulnInformation, PolicyTemplateUuid, Remediation, RemediationDetails, Scan, ScanHistory, ScanHost, ScanHostInfo, ScanHostResponse, ScanInfo, Scanner, ScanOwner, ScanPlugin, ScanPolicy, ScanRemediation, ScanRemediationsSummary, ScanResponse, ScanResponse.MultiChild, ScanResponse.MultiChildLookup, ScanResponse.SingleChild, ScanResponse.SingleChildLookup, ScanScheduleType, ScanStatus, ScanTargets, ScanType, ScanUuid, SeverityBase, SeverityLevelCount, SimpleStringLookupPojo, StringHashLookupPojo, Timezone, Url, Vulnerability, VulnerabilityScore

public interface DbPojo
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void _prepare()
    Perform any operations necessary to prepare this pojo for insertion or updating in the database
    int getId()
    Get the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
    void setId​(int id)
    Set the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode toJsonNode()
    Convert the pojo into a JsonNode
    java.lang.String toJsonString()
    Convert the pojo into a Json string
  • Method Details

    • getId

      int getId()
      Get the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
      the id
    • setId

      void setId​(int id)
      Set the surrogate or natural primary key id for the lookup
      id - the id
    • toJsonNode

      com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode toJsonNode()
      Convert the pojo into a JsonNode
      a JsonNode representing the serialization of this pojo
    • toJsonString

      java.lang.String toJsonString() throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Convert the pojo into a Json string
      a string representing the Json serialization of this pojo
    • _prepare

      void _prepare()
      Perform any operations necessary to prepare this pojo for insertion or updating in the database