AbstractContextualDeserializer<T> |
Implementation of Jackson's JsonDeserializer and ContextualDeserializer which
obtains the intended target type of the data to be deserialized through Jackson's
ContextualDeserializer.createContextual method.
AbstractContextualPojoDeserializer<POJO extends DbPojo,DAO extends Dao<POJO>> |
Further implementation of AbstractContextualDeserializer that is specific to POJOs,
and which also obtains the appropriate Dao for the pojo type provided
AddHostId |
Used by ScanHostResponse in its list of Vulnerabilities, to include the Nessus host_id
within each Vulnerability, in order to imitate the Nessus API.
EpochTimestamp |
Includes two inner classes for deserializing and serializing epoch timestamps between
a JSON integer (representing seconds) and java.sql.Timestamp
EpochTimestamp.Deserializer |
Deserializes a JSON integer representing seconds into a java.sql.Timestamp
EpochTimestamp.Serializer |
Serializes a java.sql.Timestamp into a JSON integer based on epoch seconds
FriendlyTimestamp |
Includes three inner classes for serializing timestamps from different formats into a single
"human friendly" timestamp format.
FriendlyTimestamp.JsString |
Serializes a standard JavaScript timestamp string into a "human friendly" output format
FriendlyTimestamp.NumericString |
Serializes a "numeric string" date/time format into a "human friendly" output format,
FriendlyTimestamp.Sql |
Serializes a java.sql.Timestamp into a "human friendly" output format,
HostOutputToArray |
Serializes a HostOutput instance as an array of HostVulnerabilityOutputs
Lists |
Utility serializers for serializing empty lists as null, and for sorting lists prior to
Lists.EmptyToNullSerializer<T> |
Serializer which converts an empty list to a null JSON output
Lists.SortSerializer<T extends java.lang.Comparable> |
Serializer which sorts a list of Comparables before serializing it
Lookup |
Includes two inner classes for serializing / deserializing StringLookupPojos
Lookup.Deserializer<POJO extends StringLookupPojo<POJO>,DAO extends Dao<POJO> & StringLookupDao<POJO>> |
Converts a JSON string into the appropriate StringLookupPojo instance of
the type provided by the AbstractContextualPojoDeserializer super class
Lookup.Serializer<POJO extends StringLookupPojo<POJO>> |
Serializes a StringLookupPojo of any type into the JSON string that it represents
MultiType |
Includes two inner classes for serializing and deserializing the MultiTypeWrapper, which is
capable of representing more than one primitive type (e.g.
MultiType.Deserializer |
Deserializes a JSON value of an unknown primitive type into a MultiTypeWrapper
MultiType.Serializer |
Serializes a MultiTypeWrapper into the appropriate JSON primitive
NestedJsonArray<P extends ExtensibleJsonPojo,C extends DbPojo> |
Used to "wrap" an array of objects inside an intermediate JSON object, even though the original list
belongs to the parent object.
OutputMixIns |
A non-instantiable class containing a series of inner classes (also non-instantiable
by extension, since they are not *static* inner classes) to be used as ObjectMapper mix-ins
when serializing the output.
SeverityBaseReducer |
Serializer for simplifying a SeverityBase bean into a single text value, used for
serializing the output.
SeverityCountsReducer |
Serializer for simplifying the list of SeverityLevelCount beans into a series of single text values,
used for serializing the output.
SplunkOutputMapper |
Custom Jackson object mapper for serializing the outputs to be ingested by splunk.
SummarySerializer<S extends DbPojo,D extends DbPojo> |
Used when outputting records, for serializing the "summary" wrapper objects inside the
HostVulnerabilityOutput entity.
Truncater |