
  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    SummarySerializer.Summary<S extends DbPojo,​D extends DbPojo>
    The interface that must be implemented by the summary wrappers being serialized
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Implementation of Jackson's JsonDeserializer and ContextualDeserializer which obtains the intended target type of the data to be deserialized through Jackson's ContextualDeserializer.createContextual method.
    AbstractContextualPojoDeserializer<POJO extends DbPojo,​DAO extends Dao<POJO>>
    Further implementation of AbstractContextualDeserializer that is specific to POJOs, and which also obtains the appropriate Dao for the pojo type provided
    Used by ScanHostResponse in its list of Vulnerabilities, to include the Nessus host_id within each Vulnerability, in order to imitate the Nessus API.
    Includes two inner classes for deserializing and serializing epoch timestamps between a JSON integer (representing seconds) and java.sql.Timestamp
    Deserializes a JSON integer representing seconds into a java.sql.Timestamp
    Serializes a java.sql.Timestamp into a JSON integer based on epoch seconds
    Includes three inner classes for serializing timestamps from different formats into a single "human friendly" timestamp format.
    Serializes a standard JavaScript timestamp string into a "human friendly" output format
    Serializes a "numeric string" date/time format into a "human friendly" output format, e.g.
    Serializes a java.sql.Timestamp into a "human friendly" output format, e.g.
    Serializes a HostOutput instance as an array of HostVulnerabilityOutputs
    Utility serializers for serializing empty lists as null, and for sorting lists prior to serializing
    Serializer which converts an empty list to a null JSON output
    Lists.SortSerializer<T extends java.lang.Comparable>
    Serializer which sorts a list of Comparables before serializing it
    Includes two inner classes for serializing / deserializing StringLookupPojos
    Lookup.Deserializer<POJO extends StringLookupPojo<POJO>,​DAO extends Dao<POJO> & StringLookupDao<POJO>>
    Converts a JSON string into the appropriate StringLookupPojo instance of the type provided by the AbstractContextualPojoDeserializer super class
    Lookup.Serializer<POJO extends StringLookupPojo<POJO>>
    Serializes a StringLookupPojo of any type into the JSON string that it represents
    Includes two inner classes for serializing and deserializing the MultiTypeWrapper, which is capable of representing more than one primitive type (e.g.
    Deserializes a JSON value of an unknown primitive type into a MultiTypeWrapper
    Serializes a MultiTypeWrapper into the appropriate JSON primitive
    NestedJsonArray<P extends ExtensibleJsonPojo,​C extends DbPojo>
    Used to "wrap" an array of objects inside an intermediate JSON object, even though the original list belongs to the parent object.
    A non-instantiable class containing a series of inner classes (also non-instantiable by extension, since they are not *static* inner classes) to be used as ObjectMapper mix-ins when serializing the output.
    Serializer for simplifying a SeverityBase bean into a single text value, used for serializing the output.
    Serializer for simplifying the list of SeverityLevelCount beans into a series of single text values, used for serializing the output.
    Custom Jackson object mapper for serializing the outputs to be ingested by splunk.
    SummarySerializer<S extends DbPojo,​D extends DbPojo>
    Used when outputting records, for serializing the "summary" wrapper objects inside the HostVulnerabilityOutput entity.