Package tenapull.sync
Interface Summary Interface Description InstancesTracker.KeyFinalizer<K extends InstancesTracker.KeyFinalizer<K,I>,I> The interface Key finalizer, which may be implemented by custom keys. -
Class Summary Class Description InstancesTracker<K,I> Synchronizes and maps unique instances to a unique "key" (typically a String, Number, or Hash).ReadWriteLock<O,R> Simple class for synchronizing concurrent read access and exclusive write access to an object.WeakInstancesTracker<K,I> A thin wrapper for InstancesTracker, which wraps the key with weak references to the key. -
Exception Summary Exception Description InstancesTracker.AlreadyFinalized Thrown when an unexpected state is reached during create lock finalization.InstancesTracker.CreateLockException Thrown when a construct-lambda holding a create lock tries to obtain another create lock.InstancesTracker.InstancesTrackerException Abstract supertype of all specialized exceptions thrown by InstanceTrackerInstancesTracker.NullInstanceArgument Thrown when a null instance is passed to put or putWithLockInstancesTracker.NullKeyArgument Thrown when a null key is passed to a construct methodInstancesTracker.TrackerDiscontinuedException Thrown if the instances tracker was discontinued because it was replaced by another tracker with the same key and argument types and type paramsInstancesTracker.UnrecognizedInstance Thrown when an instance is passed to a method requiring an instance argument that was not constructed under the lock of the given instancesTracker -
Error Summary Error Description ReadWriteLock.ThreadDisruption Error (NOT Exception) thrown when a disruptable thread would create a deadlock if allowed the request read/write access.