Acl |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for an acl object returned from the
Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
ExtraJson |
Represents a reusable extra json lookup, for any unexpected json returned from the
Nessus API
ExtraJson.Converter |
Hibernate converter.
ExtraJson.JsonMap |
A wrapper for the map representing the key-value pairs of the ExtraJson.
License |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for a license object returned from the
Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
Plugin |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the plugin objects (except the scan-specific fields, represented
by ScanPlugin) returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginAttributes |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for a plugin_attributes object returned from the
Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginHost |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for an object in the hosts list within each
plugin returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginInformation |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the information object included
in the plugin attributes returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginRefInformation |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the "ref" object included
in the plugin attributes returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginRiskInformation |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the "risk_information" object included
in the plugin attributes returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
PluginVulnInformation |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the vuln_information object included
in the plugin attributes returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
RefInformation |
A JSON wrapper for the array of PluginRefInformation held by PluginAttributes.
RefValues |
A JSON wrapper for the array of PluginRefValues held by PluginRefInformation.
RemediationDetails |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for an object in the list of remediations,
returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
SeverityBase |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the "severity_base" objects included
in the scan info returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
SeverityLevelCount |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the list of objects in the "severitycount" arrays
within the host objects returned from the Nessus API at /scans/<scan-id>
Vulnerability |
Represents a reusable "object lookup", for the objects in the "vulnerabilities" array
returned from the Nessus API at both /scans/<scan-id> AND /scans/<scan-id>/hosts/<host-d>